Foreclosure Search

Foreclosure Search

NOTICE: Some cases with an older number (such as A2007___ or A2005____) may be processed according to more recently-enacted foreclosure laws. This occurs when a Notice of Election and Demand is RE-RECORDED, which most frequently happens after a bankruptcy filing in the case. Carefully examine each individual foreclosure file and check the "Restart" and "Bankruptcy" links in the file to see if an NED has been re-recorded as that could affect the laws applied to the processing of that particular case.

We are frequently updating our website and search engine capabilities. PLEASE REFRESH and/or RE-CHECK any previously-obtained information on this search link to help assure that you have the most current and complete information. It is your obligation to do your own due diligence.

PLEASE NOTE: The foreclosure laws have CHANGED several times over the past few years. Cases are processed according to laws applicable to each particular case. Check Title 38, Article 38 of the Colorado Revised Statutes for the most current foreclosure-related laws. This online search is provided by the Public Trustee's office as a courtesy to assist in your efforts to view and research foreclosure properties in ADAMS COUNTY only.

Our Mission: To responsibly serve the Adams County community with integrity and innovation.