Building Safety Submittal Requirements
Starting September 1st, 2023, building permit documents will be required to be named and uploaded in accordance with naming conventions as set by Adams County. Please be aware that reviews may be rejected if the checklist and all required documents are not provided or named properly. These checklists will be updated on 8/15/23.
Residential Guides (updated 8/15/2023)
Commercial/Industrial Checklists (updated 8/15/2023)
Commercial Core & Shell |
Commercial Tenant Finish |
General Commercial & Industrial |
Other Helpful Resources:
- Homeowner's Release Affidavit
- Projects Requiring and Not Requiring a Permit
- Building Permit Fee Schedule
- Building Permit Submittal Guidelines
- Alternative Method Material and Design Application
- Required Building Inspections
- Certificate of Occupancy Requirements
- Cancellation & Refund Request Form
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Resources:
- CDPHE Demolition Notice Application
- CDPHE Soil Reuse and Clean Fill Guidance
- CDPHE Asbestos General Information
Current Planning Application Packets
Current Planning administers land use reviews of applications such as site plans, subdivisions, rezoning, conditional use permits, special use permits and variances. Some of the applicable standards that are reviewed in this process include zoning, permitted uses, setbacks, height, landscaping, parking and signs.
Below are applications packets. Included in each packet is the case type checklist of items that are required for submittal, Guide to Development Applications Submittal, Development Application and any additional required documents specific to the case.

Application Packets
Land Use Review Applications
- Address Request Form
- Administrative Relief - Landscape
- Administrative Review Permit
- Administrative Review Permit - Safe Parking *NEW*
- Appeal from Administrative Decision
- Areas and Activity of State Interest
- AUSR Minor Amendment
- Built Environment Impact Review
- Biosolids Permit
- Certificate of Designation
- Change-in-Use *NEW*
- Colorado Open Records Request (CORA)
- Commercial Fence Submittal Checklist
- Commercial Vehicle Permit *NEW*
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment
- Conceptual Review Process and Application
- Conservation Plan Amendment
- Conditional Use Permit
- Conditional Use Permit - Inert Fill
- Conditional Use Permit - Minor Amendment
- Development Agreement
- Development Code (Text) Amendment
- Exemption from Subdivision
- Inert Fill
- Land Survey Deposit Form
- Major Subdivision Preliminary
- Major Subdivision Final
- Minor Subdivision
- OGF Permit Application - Oil & Gas
- OGF Conceptual Review Process and Application
- Planned Unit Development - Overall Development Plan
- Planned Unit Development - Preliminary Development Plan
- Planned Unit Development - Final Development Plan
- PUD Major Amendment
- PUD Minor Amendment
- Plat Correction
- Release of Collateral
- Rezoning (Zoning Map Amendment)
- Roadway (Right-of-Way) Vacation
- Special District Application
- Special Use Permit
- Special Use Permit - Inert Fill
- Subdivision Improvements Agreement (SIA)
- SIA Amendment
- Technical Review Amendment
- Temporary Use Permit
- Temporary Use - Fireworks Stand
- Temporary Use - Inert Fill
- Variance
- Waiver from Subdivision Design Standards
- Zoning Verification Request
Residential Registration Applications
Engineering Review Applications
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Floodplain Use Permit
- On-site Grading and Drainage
- Street Construction Plans
- Engineering Review
- Traffic Impact Study Review
Right-of-Way and Infrastructure Applications
- Access Permit
- Oversize/Weight Move Permit
- Utility Street Cut Permit
- Dedication (Easements and ROW) Packet
- Clearing and Grading Permit
- Infrastructure Permit
- Stormwater Quality Permit
- ROW Encroachment Agreement
***More information of applicability of County ROW and Infrastructure Permits can be found here.