Does your project require a permit? Click here to see which projects require a permit.
Please call 720.523.6800 or email [email protected] if you need help with the following:
- Assistance with the E-Permit Center or your E-Permit Center account
- Submitting items for a new application or re-submittal
- Once all documents have been uploaded for review, emailing us is preferred as we do not receive notification of your new uploads.
Please direct all inquiries to the appropriate email address below.
- E – Permit Center:
- Building Safety:
- NEW! Adams County Building Safety Division will transition to a 4-10 schedule for building inspections.
- Building inspection scheduling will be available Tuesday-Friday, and inspection hours will be 7:30am- 5pm.
- Electrical inspections will continue to be offered Monday-Friday and inspection hours will be 8:30am - 4pm
- NEW! Adams County Building Safety Division will transition to a 4-10 schedule for building inspections.
- Planning & Zoning: CEDD[email protected]
- CORA requests – Forms and contact information can be found at
Building Safety
**Please read below regarding our operations during COVID-19**
At this time, and in an effort to protect both our staff and those they contact, the Building Safety Division will be providing inspection services based on a prioritize inspection types.
Priority 1: Inspection of electrical and building final inspections for new residential home construction , manufactured housing, commercial and industrial buildings that require a certificate of occupancy.
Priority 2: Inspection of foundations, rough framing, plumbing, mechanical, gas piping, underground plumbing and electrical, temp electrical meter, exterior sheathing, insulation, and drywall for new home construction, commercial and industrial buildings.
Priority 3: Inspections of residential accessory structures, decks, fences, patio cover\carport, pole barns , detached garages, and roofing.
Inspection Code\Sequence changes coming January 2021: The Building Safety Division is implementing some changes to the inspection process and inspection codes. Beginning January 2021, the inspection codes will be changing:
- An updated inspection record card is available to be printed through your online account.
- Inspection Code 160 All Roughs will no longer be available
- Inspection code 170 will change to Rough Gas Pipe
- Inspection code 200 will change to Rough Frame
- Inspection code 245 will be replaced with 265 Final Electrical inspection
- Inspection 245 is for a Electrical Service Equipment Inspection
- Inspection Code 160 All Roughs will no longer be available
For inspection sequence, all rough inspections (rough electrical, rough gas pipe, rough plumbing, rough mechanical, and rough frame) are permitted to be individually scheduled for inspection the same day or the specific trade is permitted to be scheduled independently of the others. However, if scheduling trades independently on different days, the following inspection sequence is required:
- Rough Electrical must be completed and signed off prior to Rough Gas Pipe
- Rough Gas Pipe and Rough Plumbing must be completed before Rough Mechanical
- All previous roughs listed must be approved before a Rough Framing inspection can be scheduled
Virtual Inspection Procedures
- How-To Guide for Submitting Required Information for Virtual Inspections
- Remote Video Inspection Guidelines
Effective March 1st, 2021 Inspection of Occupied homes and projects. Beginning March 1st, 2021, Adams County Building Safety Division will resume inspections in person of occupied homes and spaces. Below is the general policy that both the occupants, contractor, and inspectors must follow while conducting these inspections.
General Policy
This policy establishes inspection protocol for county building and electrical inspectors during periods that the County of Adams is under public health orders from the CDPHE or local health departments.
These changes are in response to updated CDPHE’s and local health orders and are being put in place to help protect inspection staff as well as job site personnel.
Interior inspections of occupied residential units may be performed as long as CDC Recommended Safety Guidelines are followed. These guidelines include at a minimum the following:
The Inspector will walk only with the required individuals necessary for the inspection.
The areas of the building requested to be inspected are only to be occupied by the inspection staff and individuals participating in the inspection. No other workers to be located or working in those areas.
Maintain a minimum of 6-foot distancing from everyone on the project site.
Masks (PPE) will be required by all individuals that are participating in the inspection.
When necessary the inspectors will give reminders to contractors and customers on distancing practices
Inspectors shall maintain the highest level of personal sanitation including hand sanitizer and frequently washing hands and gloves.
The inspector will ask the following three questions of the occupants or contractor:
Have you or anyone in your household been diagnosed with or had a known exposure to Covid-19 in the past 10 days?
Is anyone in your home under quarantine due to exposure to Covid-19?
Has anyone occupying the premises experienced the following symptoms in the last ten days: fever, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath?
If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, staff will not enter the home and the inspection will be scheduled and completed as a virtual inspection by the Inspector that day.
If any of these conditions cannot be met the inspector will not enter the residence
It will always be up to the inspector to determine if it is a safe environment in which to perform their duties.
For virtual inspections, the Inspector will report to the site address to conduct the inspection. Someone with general knowledge of the installation needs to be onsite with a smart phone or tablet, a flashlight or head lamp and access to each unit.
These inspection protocols are effective immediately and will remain in effect until public health orders are modified or lifted.
Virtual Electrical Inspections will require that a licensed Residential Wireman, Journeyman, or Master Electrician to be present for the inspection that requires opening of energized electrical panels, sub panels and other associated electrical equipment.
Certificates of Occupancy
To request a Certificate of Occupancy, please follow the process below:
- Upload all required documentation to the permit through your E-Permit Center account.
- Send an email to [email protected] requesting a Certificate of Occupancy along with your BDP#
- Please allow 24-48 hours for review of documents and signature of CO
- You will be notified via email when your Certificate of Occupancy has been completed
Land Use Case/Engineering Review Submittal
Please submit all land use cases and engineering projects not currently accepted through the E-Permit Center by email to [email protected]:
- Save all files as PDFs, preferably as one file if prepared by the same individual. Otherwise, attach separate files for each discipline in order to preserve the encrypted digital signatures.
- All drawings must be scalable and legible. No JPEGs or other non-PDF file types can be reviewed.
- All Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIA) must be submitted in Word format
To submit payment for Land Use/Engineering applications, please create or log into your E-Permit Center account. Upon acceptance of the application, you will be assigned and emailed a permit number. You must search this permit number in the upper search bar and hit enter. You will find in the middle of the page a "Payments" tab with "Fees" in the dropdown. Follow the blue link to submit payment (see image below). Once payment is processed, please email the receipt to [email protected]. Review of the application will not begin until payment has been verified.
International Council of Codes (ICC)
**On December 4, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2018 editions of the International Codes. These codes will be in effect starting January 12, 2019. Building permit applications received and accepted prior to this date will be under the previous 2012 editions. All building permit applications received on or after January 12, 2019 will be under the 2018 editions of the International Codes.
Building Codes
The Adams County Board of Commissioners has adopted the following building codes:
2018 International Building Code
2018 International Energy Code
2018 International Fire Code
2018 International Fuel Gas Code
2018 International Mechanical Code
2018 International Plumbing Code
2018 International Residential Building Code
2017 National Electrical Code
**To obtain a copy of any one of these codebooks, please visit the International Code Council website.
The Adams County Board of Commissioners adopted the following ordinances:
- Ordinance 4 Fire Code Adoption and Amendments Thereto
- Ordinance 12 Building Code Adoption and Amendments Thereto
All contractors doing work in Unincorporated Adams County are required to be registered as a contractor before pulling a permit.
Contractor Registration
General Contractors: Adams County offers 4 classifications of general contractor licenses:
- Class A: Erect, add to, alter or repair any building or structure, in all occupancy groups.
- Class B: Erect, add to, alter, or repair any building or structure not over two (2) stories in height, in group B, F, M, S, R,and U occupancies.
- Class C: Erect, add to, alter or repair any building or structure of a non-structural nature, in group M and R occupancies
- Class D: Any specialty contractor including, but not limited to, plumbing, electrical, siding, fences, glass and glazing, insulation, and heating.
Our E-Permit Center has just released the new Contractor Licensing Module! The link to the application below and all documents will need to be uploaded through your E-Permit Center Account. We no longer accept emailed applications.
Once you have logged into your account, you will need to select the "New" dropdown and choose "Contractor License". Please allow 24-48 hours for confirmation of registration.
Adams County Building Safety requires the following documents to be successfully registered:
- Driver's License of Authorized Person(s)
- General Liability Insurance - Requirements
- Licensure from any Colorado municipality OR ICC Certification
- Colorado State Contractor/Colorado Master License (Electrical and Plumbing Contractors ONLY)
NOTE: There is no fee to be licensed with Adams County Building Safety
For help on how to start an account with the E-Permit Center, please click here.
Procedure for Contemporaneous Reviews of Electrical and Plumbing License and Apprenticeship Requirements
This standard procedure has been developed for conducting contemporaneous reviews to ensure consistent, timely and efficient enforcement of Colorado's electrical and plumbing licensure and apprenticeship requirements.
Inspections of projects requiring an electrical or plumbing permit must include a contemporaneous review of electrical and plumbing licenses, when possible.
Contemporaneous reviews may include a full or partial review of the electricians, plumbers and apprentices working at a job site being inspected, at the discretion of the inspector, based on the inspector's familiarity with the installers or other relevant factors.
Inspectors may perform contemporaneous reviews at any time. Inspectors may conduct occasional, random, on-site inspections while actual plumbing or electrical work is being conducted, with a focus on large commercial and multi-family residential projects.
If a contemporaneous review reveals any non-compliance with Colorado's electrical and plumbing licensure or apprenticeship requirements, the inspector who performed the review shall promptly notify his or her immediate supervisor. Inspectors may file a complaint with the State electrical and plumbing boards for any violation of C.R.S. Title 12, Article 23 (Electricians) or C.R.S. Title 12, Article 58 (Plumbers).
Residential Guides
Development Standards & Regulations
The Adams County Board of Commissioners adopted the Development Standards and Regulations to guide development and protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the county.
These Development Standards and Regulations are regularly updated to reflect the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, to ensure that they adhere to current case law, and to comply with updated State and Federal regulations.