Today, the Adams County Board of Commissioners awarded $5.9 million in open space grants for 20 projects thanks to the voter-approved Open Space Sales Tax. Funding for this grant cycle came from revenues from the first half of the 2018 Adams County Open Space Sales Tax, which was passed by Adams County voters in 1999.
The Open Space Advisory Board reviewed 20 grant applications this grant cycle, recommending the Board of County Commissioners to approve full funding for all of the applications. Today, 20 project grants were awarded totaling $5,953,384.50.
When the Open Space Sales Tax was presented to voters in 1999, the ballot question called for the creation of a citizen Open Space Advisory Board. This board recommends open space projects to the county commissioners for funding. Grants are funded from 68 percent of the tax proceeds and are awarded twice a year.
“The awards made today will improve trail connectivity, preserve over 41 acres of park and open space land, and provide outdoor learning space at four schools within the county,” said Mary Hodge, Adams County Board of Commissioners Chair.
The grant recipients are as follows:
Mini Grant: CCVP Fishing Pond Restocking Project – Hyland Hills Park & Recreation District
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding to restock the ponds at Clear Creek Valley Park. A variety of fish will be stocked, including Large Mouth Bass, Perch, Blue Gill, Sunfish, Minnows, and Shiners. The project also includes funding for updated and additional fishing education signage near the central and northwest ponds. Clear Creek Valley Park is located at 5900 Tennyson St.
Grant Award: $3,500
Mini Grant: High School Seniors Beautification Project at Brighton Sports Complex – City of Brighton
Project Summary: This project will involve high school seniors who volunteer to plant 42 trees within the Brighton Sports Complex. The trees will be planted in the areas surrounding the softball and baseball fields, creating shade for visitors to enjoy. The Brighton Sports Complex is located at 1111 Judicial Center Dr.
Grant Award: $5,000
Mini Grant: Bicycle Repair Station and Racks – City of Northglenn
Project Summary: This project includes the purchase and installation of one bicycle repair station and air kit, 25-35 permanent bicycle racks, and two portable bike racks for use during events and festivals. The equipment will be installed at parks, open space, recreation facilities, and businesses throughout the city based on community need.
Grant Award: $5,000
Mini Grant: Twin Lakes Park Mile High Youth Corps Russian Olive Tree Removal –Adams County
Project Summary: This project proposes to hire the Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) Sawyer Crew to aid in the removal of the invasive Russian Olive on county open space property. This grant will help fund the use of the MHYC crew to cut the stumps and treat them with herbicide. Twin Lakes Park is located at 200 W. 70th Ave.
Grant Award: $5,000
Mini Grant: Brothers Four Park Refresh – Town of Bennett
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding for renovations at the Brothers Four neighborhood park. Improvements include new picnic tables, trees and landscaping, and new signage. Brothers Four Park is located at the intersection of Kiowa St. and Ash St.
Grant Award: $5,000
Murata Brothers Farm Acquisition – Adams County
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding to acquire and preserve the Murata Brothers Farm property. This is a 38-acre property and includes 30 shares of Fulton Ditch water. The property is located within the District Plan area which is an area of high priority for farmland conservation. The farm is also adjacent to preserved farmland on the north and south side. The Murata Brothers Farm is located at 14151 Potomac St.
Grant Award: $1,450,000
High Line Canal 38th Ave. Acquisition – City of Aurora
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for the acquisition of 2.74 acres along the High Line Canal corridor. The parcel is undeveloped open space, located west of the High Line Canal. The acquisition will supplement and provide a buffer of open space along the canal corridor. The property is located at 3800 Tower Rd.
Grant Award: $300,000
6017 Forest Dr. Property Acquisition – City of Commerce City
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding to acquire a residential parcel that is adjacent to the Veterans Memorial Park and the Eagle Pointe Recreation Center. The project includes demolition of the existing house, filling and grading the site, and installation of irrigation and sod. The parcel is located at 6017 Forest Dr.
Grant Award: $175,000
Colorado Park Enhancement Project – City of Brighton
Project Summary: This project includes improvements at Colorado Park in west Brighton. Improvements include a new playground, 1,425 feet of trail, basketball court, lighting for the tennis and basketball courts, off-street parking lot with entry, bike rack, benches, and irrigation repairs. Colorado Park is located at 265 Miller Ave.
Grant Award: $420,425
Big Dry Creek I-25 Trail Connection Construction Project – City of Thornton
Project Summary: Funding for this project will construct a missing segment of approximately a 380-foot trail and bridge connection over Big Dry Creek at the I-25 pedestrian underpass. This is a critical connection for community access to the trail system. The trail segment is located at 13005 Logan St.
Grant Award: $567,428
High Line Canal North Trail Construction – City of Aurora
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for the construction of the High Line Canal Trail from the north side of I-70 to East 38th Ave. and the Denver city limits. This is part of the largest missing segment remaining along the historic canal alignment. The trail segment is located at Tower Rd. between Colfax Ave. and 38th Ave.
Grant Award: $800,000
Brighton Parks, Recreation, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan Update – City of Brighton
Project Summary: This grant includes funding for an updated master plan. With a rapidly growing community, an updated master plan will ensure the focus on future improvements addresses the community needs for parks, recreation, trails, and open space.
Grant Award: $70,000
Clear Creek Valley Park Phase 4 – Hyland Hills Park & Recreation District
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for continued construction at Clear Creek Valley Park. Amenities include an amphitheater structure and stage with grassy seating, pickleball and tennis courts, basketball court, renovated well on the east side of the park for drinking fountains, and additional irrigation and landscaping. Clear Creek Valley Park is located at 5900 Tennyson St.
Grant Award: $390,000
Bennett Ave. Cross Walk – Town of Bennett
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for the construction of a pedestrian crossing at Highway 79 and Bennett Ave. This crossing was identified as a priority to provide a safe connection for the community from neighborhoods to a regional trail.
Grant Award: $12,500
Field of Dreams Bathroom and Dugout Revitalization – Town of Bennett
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for improvements to the baseball field and bathroom located near the Bennett school campus. Improvements will be made to the restroom facilities, the dugout, and field fencing. The Field of Dreams is located at 1051 Washington Way.
Grant Award: $18,000
Welby Outdoor Learning Park – Mapleton Public Schools (Sponsored by Adams County)
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for construction and implementation of a treehouse complex, landscape, irrigation, pathways, and signage. These improvements will provide the community an outdoor learning space for observing nature, learning, and playing. The Welby Outdoor Learning Park is located at 1200 E. 78th Ave.
Grant Award: $168,839.50
School Playground and Field Renovation – Ricardo Flores Magon Academy (Sponsored by City of Westminster)
Project Summary: This grant will fund the renovation and improvements to the playground and fields at the Ricardo Flores Magon Academy. Amenities include a new playground and play equipment, playground surfacing, field, basketball court, soccer pitch, landscaping, and community garden beds. The Ricardo Flores Magon Academy is located at 5301 Lowell Blvd.
Grant Award: $183,192
Explore Elementary Outdoor Learning Space – Mapleton Public Schools (Sponsored by City of Thornton)
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for planning, design, and construction of an outdoor classroom, landscaping, irrigation, pathways, and signage. These amenities will provide the students and community with a range of recreational experiences. Explore Elementary is located at 10310 York St.
Grant Award: $269,500
Westgate Community Environmental Campus - Phase II – Westgate Community School (Sponsored by Adams County)
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for community and pollinator gardens, extended walking paths, benches, signage, lighting, restrooms, restored prairie, outdoor classrooms, an amphitheater, and open grassy area. The community space will allow the community to gather and enjoy nature. Westgate Community School is located at 12500 Washington St.
Grant Award: $805,000
Wyco Park Tennis Court Replacement- City of Northglenn
Project Summary: This grant will provide funding support for replacement of the 44-year-old tennis court surface. The improvements will provide users with a safer playing surface to enjoy both pickleball and tennis. Wyco Park is located at E. 117th Way and Wyco Dr.
Grant Award: $300,000