Economic Mobility

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Live Chat Now Available!

Live Chat is available Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., to assist with public assistance questions, including Food Assistance (SNAP), Medicaid, Colorado Works (TANF), and Adult Financial programs. To start a conversation with a customer service representative, click the black "Live Chat" button in the lower right corner of this page.

The Division of Economic Mobility offers a variety of public assistance programs designed to help individuals and families become as self-sufficient as possible.

The division also provides adult protection services that ensure Adams County adults are safe and protected from maltreatment and exploitation. We are committed to providing services to eligible clients in an efficient and effective manner.

Child SupportBurial AssistanceCash Assistance
LEAPColorado PEAKChild Support

See eligibility, cash value, and time to apply for 40-plus public benefit, tax credit, and nonprofit programs by visiting our MyFriendBen page.



Economic Mobility

Translation services are available in-office and by phone, once connected to a staff member.

Our Mission: To responsibly serve the Adams County community with integrity and innovation.