Adopt-a-Spot Program


Purpose Statement

To significantly enhance quality of life, enrich communities & INSPIRE

Adams County offers a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities for residents to enjoy. With 2,229 acres of parks and open space and 38 miles of trail, volunteers are essential to help keep our parks and trails clean.

The Adams County Adopt-a-Spot program allows an individual, family, or group to help preserve and maintain our parks, trails, and open spaces. This is a fun, flexible way to volunteer, as the clean-up schedule is designed by you with a minimum of four cleanups a year for a one-year commitment. You select the spot to adopt and Adams County will install a sign to recognize your contribution. Adams County Parks, Open Space & Cultural Arts staff will provide trash bags and supplies and will remove the filled bags.

Please call Rae-Anne Reichow, 303.637.8102 or email Adopt-a-Spot.


Our Mission: To responsibly serve the Adams County community with integrity and innovation.