Community Corrections


The purpose of Community Corrections is to provide alternative sanctions to individualswho would otherwise be incarcerated in prison. Community Corrections runs what is commonly known as a halfway house program.


ICCS Adams County Opportunity Center

ICCS Adams County Opportunity Center

The ACOC has 184 beds, houses males, females and offense specific clients. Click here to learn more about this location.

CoreCivic Adams

CoreCivic Adams

CoreCivic Adams has 102 beds and houses males only. Click here to learn more about this location.

CoreCivic Commerce

CoreCivic Commerce

CoreCivic Commerce has 136 beds and houses males only. Click here to learn more about this location.

Community Corrections Board

The state provides funds to the 17th Judicial District (Adams and Broomfield counties) for halfway houses to provide services to offenders. The Adams County Board of Commissioners appointed a Community Corrections Board that has the responsibility to:

  • Monitor halfway house compliance to state standards and contract obligations
  • Monitor the funds appropriated
  • Negotiate and process contracts for services
  • Review offender cases referred for community corrections placement

The Community Corrections Board has the authority to reject anyone for placement they determine to be a public safety risk. Not even a judge can sentence someone to a halfway house if the local board has not approved them. The program also has the right to refuse any individual they determine will be a risk to the public or their program.

Meeting Schedule & Agendas

Community Corrections Board Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 12 noon. Meetings are held at the Conference Center at the Adams County Government Center, 4430 South Adams County Parkway Brighton, CO 80601.

February 13Agenda
April 9Agenda
May 14Agenda
June 11Agenda
July 9Agenda
November 12Agenda
January 10Agenda
February 14Agenda
March 14Agenda
April 11 
May 9Agenda
June 13Agenda
July 11Agenda
August 8 
September 12 
October 10 
November 14 
December 12 
January 11Agenda
February 8Agenda
March 8Agenda
April 12Agenda
May 10 Agenda
June 14Agenda
July 12Agenda
August 9Agenda
September 13 
October 11Agenda
November 8Agenda
December 13 Agenda

Helpful Documents & Links


file size

Adams County Community Corrections FAQ's

132.99 KB

Department Diversion Referral Process

74.71 KB

Colorado Community Correction Dashboard


Johanna Siens
4430 S. Adams County Pkwy.
Brighton, CO 80601
Fx: 720.523.2991


Tuesday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(Excluding building closure days)

Our Mission: To responsibly serve the Adams County community with integrity and innovation.