Commissioner Lynn Baca, District 5

Personal History

Commissioner Lynn Baca is a second-generation Adams County resident who grew up in Brighton, Colorado, and she is the first Latina Asian Pacific Islander to be elected to the Board of County Commissioners. She currently serves as Board chair in 2025. Her grandfather was a farmer in unincorporated Adams County, which influenced her to advocate for farmland preservation, open space, and outdoor recreation. Growing up in Brighton, Commissioner Baca watched Adams County grow from a bustling farming community to home of a world class medical center and Colorado Air and Space Port.

Commissioner Baca served two terms on the Brighton City Council. As a council member she served in leadership positions on several regional boards, including the Denver Regional Council of Governments, North Area Transportation Alliance, Smart Commute Metro North, and the Adams County Sub-Regional Transportation Committee, all which impact Adams County residents as the county continues to grow. She has also served on local boards, including liaison to the Greater Brighton Fire Protection District and the Brighton Farmland Preservation Sub-Committee. The efforts of the Farmland Sub-Committee established preservation of land of historical significance, which is currently being farmed. The efforts also evolved into the partnership between the City of Brighton and Adams County that created the Historic Splendid Valley just outside the city limits of Brighton. The land is still being farmed by local producers.

Commissioner Baca currently serves on the following board/committees: Mile High Flood Control District, Boundary Control Commission, Adams County Water Quality Association, North Area Transportation Alliance, Airport Coordinating Committee, Regional Economic Advancement Partnership, Brighton School District 27J Capital Fees Foundation, Rocky Mountain Partnership/Policy and Legislative Advisory Network, Highway 7 Coalition, Aerotropolis Regional Transit Authority, Asian/American Chamber of Commerce, Colorado Counties, Inc., County & Commissioners Acting Together, Child Welfare Allocation Committee, Metro Area County Commissioners, and National Association of Counties.

As Adams County Commissioner for District 5, Commissioner Baca will advocate for hard-working families; economic growth and primary employment; open space, farmland preservation, and outdoor recreation; and safe streets, including complete sidewalks and maintenance efforts. 

Lynn Baca
Lynn Baca
Fx: 720.523.6045

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