Health and Nutrition

It is the goal of ACHS to promote positive health and nutrition status for our enrolled children and to also support their families in lifetime preventive care practices.

We support our families by providing hearing, vision, nutrition, speech/language and lead/anemia screenings. Additionally, we partner with Salud Dental Clinic to provide convenient and necessary dental clinics twice a year at your child’s Head Start center. All our health screenings are completed within the first 45/90 days of your child’s enrollment and all appropriate referrals and resources are offered to families by our health specialists after the screenings are completed.

Mealtimes at ACHS are an extension of your child’s learning. At every meal, we model language, conversation, social interaction and introduce new foods. We serve our meals/snacks “family style” and our menus offer the healthiest options to our children by following the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines. We also promote a positive eating environment where children are not forced to try foods and we function in a neutral eating environment where children take as much or as little as they like.

The Health Team encourages parents to have a voice in their child’s health services they receive at Head Start. Parents can join a group called the Health Services Advisory Committee where they help steer policy and program quality surrounding health services and mental health. If you would like to participate in this committee, please reach out directly to your center health specialist.

Important health coverage information as of January 1, 2025: Colorado now offers those who are eligible for Medicaid, regardless of immigration status to children 18 years and younger and pregnant persons. To learn more about this new benefit and how to apply, click on this link: This new insurance benefit will cover health, vision, dental, and mental health.

Necessary Health Forms

ACHS Health and Nutrition Partners



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Our Mission: To responsibly serve the Adams County community with integrity and innovation.