Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is the county's vision for transportation and mobility for the next 20 years. Developed as part of the Advancing Adams planning process, the TMP was developed in cooperation with the Comprehensive Plan (land use and development), and the Parks, Open Space, and Trails Plan (recreation).

The Transportation Master Plan is not a static document. It has been developed to evolve and adapt to changes in traffic and travel patterns, development trends, and population growth throughout the county.


Full Document
Full Document with Appendixes

Full Document (low resolution)
Full Document with Appendixes (low resolution)

ES - Executive Summary
1 - Introduction
2 - Future Mobility Plan
3 - Roadway Network
4 - Pedestrian Network
5 - Bicycle Network
6 - Transit Network
7 - Innovation and New Technology
8 - Implementation and Monitoring
Appendix A - Existing Conditions Report
Appendix B - Community Engagement (see Comprehensive Plan documentation)
Appendix C - Scenario Framework
Appendix D - Prioritization Results

Previous Plan

2012 Transportation Plan
2012 Transportation Plan Appendices

Our Mission: To responsibly serve the Adams County community with integrity and innovation.