Stormwater Utility

Payment Options

New! Go Paperless at

Help us save time, postage and trees. Unique authorization codes were sent with the annual bill.

Note: If you are a new property owner, and your Customer Name has not been updated on our system yet, please note that you will receive your own code at the next mailing as long the property ownership information has been updated by the Assessor’s Office.

Pay Online

Pay Online - It's free, quick and easy!

Payments can be made with a credit card, debit card or electronic check. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Customer number is needed to process payment. There are no transaction fees. PAY ONLINE.

Pay by Phone

Pay By Phone

Call 1.800.487.4567. Tell the operator you need to pay Adams County, Transportation, Stormwater Utility in Colorado.

Pay by Mail

Pay By Mail

We accept checks and money orders by mail, please do not mail cash. Make checks and money orders payable to: "Adams County Stormwater." Mail to:

Adams County Stormwater
PO Box 201846
Dallas TX, 75320-1846

Please include your customer number on your check.  Send payment with the bottom portion of your statement before the due date using the return envelope provided.

Pay in Person

Pay In Person

The Customer Center office is located at Adams County Government Center, 4430 South Adams County Parkway, 1st Floor Suite W2000B and is open Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except county holidays). We accept cash, check, money order, debit and credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). 


Drop your payment at our Stormwater Utility dropbox, located outside the front entrance of the Government Center. Save a stamp - and the dropbox is available 24-7 for your convenience.

Adams County Stormwater Utility (SWU) was established in 2012. The SWU assesses an annual user fee to all properties located within the service area. Stormwater fees are necessary to maintain the public stormwater system and represent an equitable way for the community to share the cost of a public service. The stormwater utility is an independent funding mechanism to pay for the cost of services related to the implementation of the Stormwater Management Program. 

The SWU service area encompasses properties within unincorporated Adams County. This area is bordered on the north, south and west by the County boundary. The eastern boundary of the service area is bordered by Schumaker Road (near Denver International Airport). This area excludes any properties within the city limits of the following municipalities: Aurora, Northglenn, Thornton, Commerce City, Brighton, Westminster, Federal Heights, Arvada, Bennett and Lochbuie.

The Stormwater Utility, currently provides public drainage services for approximately 27,000 properties and extends approximately 257 square miles (164,480 acres).

IDIG811Adams County residents can now take advantage of 811 Utility Locates. Please visit or call 811 directly to have your utilities marked. 

Key Dates

  • January 15: Annual invoices mailed
  • March 15: Payment due
  • December 10: 8% interest added to all unpaid accounts


Important Information

Cap Fee ChartThis chart shows the different account types and their capped fee amounts.  Cap fees were determined by calculating the average fee per property classification type as determined by the Assessor's Office.  The cap fees were adopted by the BoCC on April 1, 2013 and will remain in place.
Billing InformationBilling information in English and Spanish.
Impervious Area LookupYour fee is based on the impervious square footage on your property.  To view an interactive map of your property you will need to enter your address, or parcel number. Instructions for Impervious Lookup.
Service Area MapA 2020 map of the stormwater utility service area.  The properties in the service area are  in the western portion of unincorporated Adams County, west of Schumaker Road.
SWU Policy ManualStormwater Utility Policy Manual (Rev. 11/15/21)
How do I read my bill?Quick reference explaining the most important portions of your annual stormwater utility statement.
FAQsMore questions? Please check our FAQ section.
Appeal FormFile an appeal if you think your invoice amount is incorrect. Reasons for an appeal include: incorrect property ownership and inaccurate impervious surface area calculation or update of impervious area. 
Credit PolicyAdams County current Credit Policy, including previous Credit Report Analysis and Credit Eligibility Report explain which properties may qualify for a credit up to 65% discount on your Stormwater Utility fee.
Credit Application FormYou may qualify to receive a discount up to 65% on your Stormwater fee if you provide water quality, water quantity and/or maintenance of regional drainage structures on private property.
BudgetLearn about the Stormwater Utility Budget.
Financial ReportComprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Change of AddressPlease contact or submit the change of address form to the Assessor's Office.
Interactive SWU MapMap showing current Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), including Stormwater Utility Projects.

Stormwater Utility 5-Year CIP Plan (2025-2029)

Partnership Construction Projects


SWU Contributions

Logan Ct Drainage Basin Storm designDesign Restarting in 2025Stormwater Utility -- $250,000 (2019)
Stormwater Utility -- $1.0 Million (2020)
Stormwater Utility -- $1.5 Million (2021)
Total Cost of Project -- $2.75 Million
Dahlia Pond Improvements at SW corner of I-76 & US-85

Design Completion by 2025

Stormwater Utility -- $200,000 (2019)
Stormwater Utility -- $1.5 Million (2020)
Stormwater Utility -- $1.5 Million (2021)
Total Cost of Project - $3.2 Million
Clear Creek Drop Structure

Design Restarting in 2025

Stormwater Utility -- $750,000
Total Cost of Project -- $21 Million
Bronco Pond

Design Restarting in 2025

Stormwater Utility -- $200,000 (*)
  (*) subject to approval from BoCC


Partnership Studies


SWU Contributions

South Platte River FHADCompletion awaiting construction of Denver projectStormwater Utility -- $18,000 (2016) 
Total Cost--$240,000
Henderson CreekCompleted, ready for BoCC approvalStormwater Utility -- $25,000 (2021) 
Total Cost--$150,000
Page Gulch MDPCompleted in 2024Stormwater Utility -- $75,000 (2025*) 
Total Cost--$75,000
Rocky Mountain Ditch & Utah Junction OSPCompleted in 2024Stormwater Utility -- $50,000 (2025*) 
Total Cost--$100,000
Brantner Gulch - Major Drainageway Planning and Flood Hazard Delineation UpdateCompletion in 2025Stormwater Utility -- $15,000 (2018) 
Total Cost--$240,000
Little Dry Creek - Major Drainageway Planning and Flood Hazard Delineation StudyCompletion in 2025Stormwater Utility -- $14,000 (2015) 
Total Cost--$240,000
Second Creek Tributaries - Major Drainageway Planning and Flood Hazard Delineation StudyCompletion in 2025Stormwater Utility -- $20,000 (2016) 
Stormwater Utility -- $15,000 (2021)
Total Cost-- $330,000
DFA 0054 - Major Drainageway Planning and Flood Hazard Delineation UpdateCompletion in 2025Stormwater Utility -- $30,000 (2019) 
Total Cost--$160,000
Fairfax Tributary & TributariesCompletion in 2025Stormwater Utility -- $45,000 (2021) 
Total Cost-- $135,000
Upper Crooked RunCompletion in 2025Stormwater Utility ---$75,000 (2020)
Stormwater Utility -- $25,000 (2021) 
Total Cost-- $350,000
Hidden Lake Bates Lake MDPCompletion in 2025Stormwater Utility -- $45,000 (2023/2024) 
Total Cost--$100,000
Todd Creek & TributariesCompletion in 2026Stormwater Utility -- $50,000 (2021) 
Total Cost--$320,000
Beebe Draw & TributariesCompletion in 2026Stormwater Utility -- $100,000 (2023) 
Total Cost-- $400,000
Lower Hayesmont Creek & Lynne Creek MDP & FHADCompletion in 2026Stormwater Utility -- $75,000 (2024*) 
Total Cost--$150,000
Crooked Run (Lower) MDP & FHADCompletion in 2026Stormwater Utility -- $150,000 (2026*) 
Total Cost--$150,000
Big Dry CreekCompletion in 2027Stormwater Utility -- $75,000 (2024*) 
Total Cost--$400,000
  (*) subject to approval from BoCC


Maintenance Program (General Fund)


SWU Contributions

2025 Video Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater InfrastructureAnnual Program - Spring 2025$ 900,000
2026 Video Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater InfrastructureAnnual Program - Spring 2026$ 900,000 (*)
2027 Video Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater InfrastructureAnnual Program - Spring 2027$ 900,000 (*)
2028 Video Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater InfrastructureAnnual Program - Spring 2028$ 900,000 (*)
2029 Video Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater InfrastructureAnnual Program - Spring 2029

$ 900,000 (*)

  (*) subject to approval from BoCC

Contact Us

If you have questions about the Stormwater Utility, please contact the Adams County Stormwater Quality Office at 720.523.6400 or email [email protected]. To help improve your experience, please be ready to provide your name, customer number (top right corner of your statement) or address.

Our Mission: To responsibly serve the Adams County community with integrity and innovation.